An amazing art festival every spring
Every year around the Easter holidays, artists all over Skåne open their studios and workshops to visitors. Hundreds of artists come together to arrange this art festival with venues all over the county, marking their exhibitions with colourful flags so you find them easily.
Different art tours at once
This art event (in Swedish Konstrundan) consists of different routes, each arranged by the local artists’ association. Each one of the Konstrundan art tours represents a variety of disciplines. Painters, sculptors and artisans all show their art, which gives you a unique opportunity to indulge in everything from paintings and sculptures to metalworks, drawings, prints, woodcrafts, ceramics, porcelain, photo art and more.
Visit professional artists in their homes and studios
All the artists in Konstrundan must be members of the local artists’ association. This means they must be established creatives within their area of expertise who make their living from art.
Some artists will invite you into their homes and workshops. This is an amazing opportunity to meet and talk to the people behind the art and discuss their work. Some artists exhibit their work collectively in a variety of beautiful locations that are often an attraction in themselves.
Overload of art – all for free
Konstrundan aims to make local art accessible to everyone. All the Konstrundan exhibitions are free of charge, and the only thing you need to enjoy them is the means to get around.
There is no obligation to buy anything. You are encouraged to browse and enjoy the experience. Every year, local artists’ associations arrange art lotteries, so you might win a piece of art to bring home.
Plan your art excursion
This is a unique opportunity to admire a variety of disciplines in a short period of time. But it may prove hard to cover all exhibitions in one go. If you want to see everything you’ll need to work out an efficient itinerary and allow for a few days to explore.
One way is to head straight for one of the group exhibitions arranged by each of the art associations where you’ll find one piece of art from each of the Konstrundan participants. Pick your favourites, get a free map and head out. Or just look for the coloured flags that mark an artist’s residence and guide your way.
Skåne – a region with a long art history
Ever since the seventeenth century, Skåne, and particularly Österlen in eastern Skåne has attracted artists and painters. The reason is probably the unique light conditions, open landscapes and vibrant colour scheme offered in Skåne. The area has been home to famous painters like Prince Eugene, Ola Billgren and Ellen Trotzig and more who were influenced by the scenery and nature.
Spring in Skåne = art
Konstrundan takes place early spring. The southwestern corner is mostly flat and offers miles of unobstructed views along the winding, narrow roads that lead to your destination. But when you turn north, the landscape slowly changes.
The Bjäre peninsula and around the bay to the town of Mölle and the Kullaberg natural reserve has rolling hills and a dramatic mountainous coastline. Each region of Skåne offers a different impression and could be considered a work of art itself.